How To Confidently Sign Up

Paying Clients...

without being pushy or salesy and without fear of rejection or second-guessing your pricing!

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Love transforming people's lives but hate doing enrollment calls?

If you love coaching and transforming people's lives, but hate doing client enrollment calls because they feel pushy, salesy or just plain awkward, then you're not alone.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You coach your heart out during a free session and you actually solve whatever problem they brought into the free session and they still don't hire you

  • You do free session after free session but no one signs up and the constant rejection is wearing you down

  • People say they need to think about it or they'll speak to their spouse and you never hear from them again

  • You're avoiding doing intro sessions completely because the thought of asking someone for money makes you want to throw up

  • You're stuck on a content treadmill, creating tons and tons of content, but it's not helping you to lend paying clients

If you're reading this and it sounds painfully familiar, then I have a special message for you.

Don't give up! You can help people and you can make a great income doing it.

It is possible to get clients and get them in a way that feels good, authentic and genuine.

You became a coach to help people, not to become some pushy salesperson.

I totally get it because I felt the same way too.

When I started out as a coach, the one thing I struggled with the most was enrollment calls. It felt inauthentic and forced. I hated them so much that I actually wanted to quit coaching.

But I had such a deep desire to help people that I could not quit.

I was determined to figure out how to do enrollment conversations in a way that felt aligned with me and my a way that brought value to everyone who booked a call...even if they didn't sign up for my coaching.

After months of research and study and lots of trial and error, I developed a process I thought could work.

I tried it out with the next few calls and lo and behold, 3 out of the 5 people I had sessions with over the next two weeks said yes. That had never happened before, so I knew I was on to something.

Best of all, I was enjoying doing the sessions and prospects were getting tremendous value out of it as well. I started getting more and more referrals...even from people who didn't sign up for my coaching, simply because they had gained so much value from the free session.

Over time I tested and refined the process and began teaching it to other coaches who also experienced amazing results.

Introducing The Heart-Centered Client Enrollment System!

Everything you need to sign up clients in an authentic, non-salesy manner.

The secret to getting clients "selling" themselves on working with you.

Here's What's Included:

  • The Heart-Centered Client Enrollment Script & Quickstart Guide: Just print it out and get started enrolling clients right away. One coach purchased the program an hour before his call and used the enrollment script and quick-start guide and enrolled a $2,000 client without even going through the entire training. (Value $997)
  • Comprehensive training videos that will teach you exactly how to use the script, subtle tweaks to make it more effective and show you where to find high-quality prospects and then convert them into paying clients. (Value $997)
  • Copy and paste emails and social media posts for all the most popular coaching niches that you can use to attract the perfect clients. You can use these as is, or edit them to suit you. (Value $197)
  • Lifetime access to the program, including any updates at no additional cost

Price goes up in...


What's Inside The Program

So you're probably wondering what's inside the program that's going to so radically alter the way you're doing enrollment calls, right?

C'mon, let's take a look, shall we?

Part One:

The Heart Centered Client Enrollment Framework

In the first part of the program, you will get the Heart-Centered Client Enrollment Script and videos teaching you step-by-step how to use it.

Say goodbye to winging enrollment conversations. You'll finally have the key to turning cold prospects into red-hot clients with just one simple conversation.

In this module, you'll also discover:

  • A proven step-by-step system to take prospects through that's designed to help them see the value of your coaching and want to hire you without you ever having to hard sell or be salesy or pushy.

  • The 5 biggest mistakes coaches make during enrollment conversations and how to avoid them.

  • Exactly how to explain your coaching in a way that makes it irresistible and makes clients eager to sign up on the spot.

  • How to customize the script for different niches. There are subtle tweaks that you can make for your particular niche that will make this powerful script even more effective.

  • How to stay in control and prevent clients from hijacking the call.

  • How to overcome the 3 most common objections without being pushy or salesy

  • How to get people to sign-up and pay in full right there on the call

  • How to position your coaching as the solution to your prospect's problems in a way that makes them eager to work with you and only you

  • How to give clients so much value on the call (without "coaching" them), that they will send you referrals regardless of whether they sign up for your coaching or not

  • How to present your coaching program and fee in a way that feels comfortable and easy for both you and your prospect

  • And lots more....

Part Two:

The Client Attraction Blueprint

In the second part of the training, you'll learn how to create an irresistible free session offer and then where to find hot prospects both online and offline.

You'll also know how to approach them so that they want to know more and what to say to get them to book a session with you on the spot.

By the time you complete this module, you'll have the confidence to get out there and start getting paying clients.

In this module, you'll also discover:

  • Dozens of places to find clients eager and willing to work with you

  • How to approach clients in person so that they want to know more

  • How to present your free session offer so that they want to book a session now

  • Copy and paste email and social media templates that you can use to attract the perfect clients online

  • Exactly how to explain your coaching in a way that makes it irresistible and makes clients eager to sign up on the spot

  • One simple strategy that can easily double or triple the number of people who sign up for your free session

  • The only two activities you need to focus on if you want to grow your business FAST

  • How to keep your intro session offers fresh. This is the secret to not burning out your email list by making the same offer over and over again. Plus it guarantees that you'll get far more free session offers booked


Enroll now and get these amazing bonuses worth $231 as well.

Bonus # 1: The Confident Coach eBook

(Value $37)

Seven powerful, time-tested strategies for dramatically increasing your confidence as a coach so that you become more attractive to potential clients.

After all, no one wants a coach who is unsure about herself and her abilities.

Bonus # 2: Client Welcome Kit

The Client Welcome Kit contains everything you need to successfully onboard all the new coaching clients you're going to get.

The kit contains 17 done-for-you forms including the all-important client contract. All the documents are in .doc format and they are fully editable and customizable with your logo, text and branding.

Included in the Client Enrollment Kit are the following documents:

  • The Client Contract: Protect yourself from the beginning with the all-important client contract. This is one document you do not want to begin the coaching relationship without. And just like all the other documents, this one is also completely editable and customizable.

  • The Client Welcome Letter: A warm, encouraging letter that reassures the client that she's made the right decision to sign up with you.

  • Client Intake Form: Using this form will allow you to gain a rudimentary picture of your client before the first meeting, so you can come prepared to discuss where they're currently at and where they wish to be.

  • Client Agreement: This is an agreement verifying the expectations for both you and your client during sessions. copy and paste email and social media templates that you can use to attract the perfect clients.

  • What to Expect From Coaching: Helping your client to understand your coaching style and your expectations will enable both of you to go forward with a clear understanding.

  • And more: 17 documents in total including a referral request letter, invoice template, client call notes, code of ethics and more...One simple strategy that can easily double or triple the number of people who sign up for your free session

Bonus: Proven Pricing Strategies

If you're unsure what to charge for your coaching, then this bonus is for you.

I share 3 proven pricing strategies that you can use regardless of which stage of your coaching business you're in.

And if you've been undercharging, this bonus will help you to finally charge what you're worth and get it.

Here's Everything You Get:

  • The Heart-Centered Client Enrollment Script & Quickstart Guide: Just print it out and get started enrolling clients right away. One coach purchased the program an hour before his call and used the enrollment script and quick-start guide and enrolled a $2,000 client without even going through the entire training. (Value $997)
  • Comprehensive training videos that will teach you exactly how to use the script, subtle tweaks to make it more effective and show you where to find high-quality prospects and then convert them into paying clients. (Value $997)
  • Copy and paste emails and social media posts for all the most popular coaching niches you can use to attract the perfect clients. You can use these as is, or edit them to suit you. (Value $197)
  • Lifetime access to the program, including any updates at no additional cost.
  • The Confident Coach eBook with 7 proven strategies to help you to become a more confident coach (Value $37)
  • The Client Welcome Kit with 17 editable and customizable forms to successfully onboard all the new coaching clients you will get once you follow this system. Included is the all-important client contract. (Value $97)
  • Proven Pricing Strategies to help you to figure out the right price. (Value $97)
  • Total Value $2,442

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30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I know that this system works.

This is why I'm willing to offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

Take this proven system and plug it into your business. Use it for a full 30 days and if you don't get the results you're looking for, let me know within 30 days and I will issue a full refund.

Here's what happy clients had to say

What would having more clients mean for you, both personally & professionally?

  • Does it mean that you could finally leave that job that you hate and do work that's meaningful & fulfilling?

  • Does it mean that you have the freedom & flexibility to build your business around your lifestyle and not the other way around?

  • Does it mean having more time doing the things you love with the people that you love?

  • Does it mean that you can help more people and change more lives? You bet it does.

Grab The Heart-Centered Client Enrollment System now while you still can for just $49!

Price Goes Up In...


Who is this program for?

The Heart-Centered Client Enrollment System is for you if:

  • You want to impact as many people as possible
  • You want to double, triple or even 10x your coaching income
  • You're tired of winging it and want a proven system that actually works
  • You want to do enrollment calls with ease and confidence and without having to be pushy or salesy
  • You want to be able to attract high-ticket coaching clients and charge premium prices
  • You want to have high-ticket clients signing up on the spot. No more "I'll think about it and get back to you later" - which we all know never happens.
  • You're done feeling awkward when it's time to discuss your fees and you want it to flow and be easy


How is this different from a sample coaching session?

Sample coaching sessions can help you to get paying clients. But they're not nearly as effective as doing heart-centred enrollment calls.

You have to do dozens and dozens of free coaching sessions in order to enrol even a handful of clients.

But once you master the Heart Centered Client Enrollment Process, you'll easily be able to convert 70% or more of the people you speak to into paying clients....and at higher fees than ever before.

How is this different from a free consultation?

Calling your intro session a free consultation is one of the most common mistakes coaches make....and it's literally killing your business.

No one wants a free consultation. It sounds boring and the prospect has no idea what's in it for them or how they will benefit from taking the time to speak to you.

Even worse is calling it a "no-obligation free consultation" because people immediately feel obligated.

The Heart-Centered Client Enrollment System is totally different from doing a free consultation. With a free consult, you're usually winging it. But with the Heart-Centered Client Enrollment System, you'll be following a proven framework to help clients get clear on exactly what they want to achieve, get them deeply connected to why they want to achieve it, and help them to uncover the obstacles standing in the way of them making this vision a reality, and then position your coaching as the bridge to get them from where they are now to where they want to be.

If you've been doing free consults to get clients, get ready to be blown away by how many more clients you're able to sign up and how much more you're able to charge for your coaching when you implement the strategies taught in this program.

Why is the Heart-Centered Client Enrollment System so effective?

It's so effective because it's based on how the brain actually works. The driving force behind human behaviour is pain and pleasure. We move toward pleasure and away from pain.

The Heart-Centered Client Enrollment System is designed to tap into this natural human drive and build the internal motivation for the prospect to build a case for why they need to take action now and hire you. You do this by helping the client connect deeply with their vision for what they want, then helping them to uncover all the reasons why they haven't been able to achieve it and then position your coaching as the bridge between where they are now and where they want to be.

It also provides tremendous value for the prospect because they gain so much clarity and insight. And best of all, you never have to do any hard-selling.

Who is the Heart-Centered Client Enrollment System for?

It's for heart-centred coaches, consultants and healers who want to get more clients, get higher-paying clients or get clients more consistently. And to be able to do that in a way that doesn't feel inauthentic, salesy or forced.

I'm a brand new coach with no experience. Will this work for me?

It most certainly will. In fact, this is the fastest way to turn your coaching skills into a full-time income.

I'm not certified as a coach yet. Can I still take this?

You most certainly can. In fact, having these skills will help you to hit the road running so that you can start getting clients from the get-go and avoid many of the struggles and challenges that other coaches face when trying to get clients and grow their coaching income.

Why are you offering this so inexpensively? How do I know this isn't crap on a stick?

I take pride in and stand behind each and every one of the products I create so you can rest assured that you're getting a very high-value training.

The reason I'm not charging thousands of dollars for this training is that I believe so passionately in the power of coaching that I want every coach to succeed at getting clients and transforming people's lives.

I also don't believe that knowledge should be restricted only to those who are wealthy. My aim is to make high-quality programs available to everyone.

And finally, my hope is that you will be so blown away by the value that you receive that you will purchase my other products and programs and recommend me to your friends as well.

I've taken sales programs before and they never worked for me. What's different about this one?

All tickets are 100% refundable within 30 days of purchase. If you'd like to get a refund for your ticket(s) within 30 days of the event, we may have individuals on a ticket waiting list, so feel free to reach out. To request a refund, please contact our support team.

Get Happy, Paying Clients Today!

So you're ready to end the struggle and start getting paying clients with ease and flow, then the Heart-Centered Client Enrollment System is for you. Get it now before the price goes up!

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you purchase The Heart-Centered Client Enrollment System today!

  • The Heart Centered Client Enrollment Script & Quickstart Guide: Just print it out and get started enrolling clients right away. One coach purchased the program an hour before his call and used the enrollment script and quick-start guide and enrolled a $2,000 client without even going through the entire training. (Value $997)
  • Comprehensive training videos that will teach you exactly how to use the script, subtle tweaks to make it more effective and show you where to find high-quality prospects and then convert them into paying clients. (Value $997)
  • Copy and paste emails and social media posts for all the most popular coaching niches you can use to attract the perfect clients. You can use these as is, or edit them to suit you. (Value $197)
  • Lifetime access to the program, including any updates at no additional cost.
  • The Confident Coach eBook with 7 proven strategies to help you to become a more confident coach (Value $37)
  • The Client Welcome Kit with 17 editable and customizable forms to successfully onboard all the new coaching clients you will get once you follow this system. Included is the all-important client contract. (Value $97)
  • Proven Pricing Strategies to help you to figure out the right price. (Value $97)

Total value: $2442

Regular price:$299

Today's Price: $49

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