Cash In On The $20 Billion Dollar a Year Coaching Industry With Your Own Life Coach Training & Certification Program!

....without creating any of the training materials by using our high-quality done-for-you curriculum.

The Most Lucrative Way To Cash In On

The Exponential Growth of the Coaching Industry!

The coaching industry is a $20 Billion dollar a-year Industry. But the best way to make money from this lucrative industry is not to become a coach, it's to train others to become coaches.

For the longest time ever, smart people in every industry have known that the best way to make money in any industry is not to "do the thing" but to teach others how to "do the thing."

This principle is as old as time. Back during the 1849 California Gold Rush, very, very few prospectors struck it rich.

The people who made money back then were those who “sold shovels” (and jeans, tents, pickaxes and other supplies and services) to the prospectors who lived hard lives panning for gold.

In today's digital era, smart people transition from "doing the thing" (prospecting) to teaching others how to "do the thing" (selling shovels).

Robert Allen, the famous Real Estate Guru who showed people how to make money in real estate with no money down said "I made millions with real estate investing. But I made tens of millions teaching real estate investing."

In every industry across the board, people are making more money teaching the thing rather than doing the thing.

And coaching is no exception.


Don't believe me? Here are some real life examples of people crushing it

teaching the thing rather than doing the thing.

Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard is a

High-Performance Coach and he has a certification teaching other people how to become high-performance coaches.

Anthony Robbins

Tony Robbins started off as an NLP Coach and a few years back he launched his own Coach Training and Certification Program.

Tony is a smart man and he knows that there is money to be made in the rapidly growing Coaching Industry.

Brooke Castillo

Brooke Castillo started off as a weight loss and life coach. She started a monthly coaching membership called Scholars and then launched her very own Life Coach Training & Certification Program.

Last year Brooke made $35 million dollars and this year, she's on track to make $42 million dollars!!!!

Maybe after reading these examples, you're thinking "Wait a minute. I'm not a famous guru. I can't just jump in and start training other coaches and create my own certification and other training programs."

Yes you can because that's exactly what I did. In my little country of South Africa, I launched the very first online Life Coach Training & Certification Program in an already crowded marketplace. I went up against other far more established life coaching schools and within two short years, I was one of the top life coaching schools in the country, making over six-figures each month.

Here are two screenshots of my payment processor during that time.

The program was doing so well in South Africa that I decided to create a smaller version of the program with just a few coaching techniques in it and test it out in the International Market.

I called this the Coaches Toolkit and sold it for $37. In the first month, I made $15,242 from a $37 product!!!!

The next month, I switched my payment processor from Kajabi to Samcart and my income shot up to $19,983!!!

I was making six-figures and I didn't have to coach a single client! I was hooked.

It was in that moment that I realized that the real money in the life coaching industry was not in coaching, it was in training and selling to coaches.

But creating your own certification program can take months, if not years!!

The good news is that you don't have to!

Because I'm offering private label rights to my best-selling Life Coach Training & Certification Program....the very same program that took me from a virtual unknown to one of the top Life Coach Training & Certification Schools in my home country of South Africa in just two years!

And the same content that I then went and created a low-ticket product out of which went on to make multiple six-figures and remains one of my best-selling products to this date!

Introducing the Six-Figure Coach

Life Coach Training PLR

Everything you need to launch and sell your very own

Life Coach Training & Certification Program and create mini-courses and other trainings for coaches.

Here's what's included:

  • Full 20-module Life Coach Training & Certification Program (Value $25,000) - It cost me over $25,000 in my own education and training to develop this in-depth, transformative curriculum.
  • Editable PowerPoint Slides for the entire 20-module curriculum (Value $1,999) - The slides include the notes so all you have to do is hit record and create your videos in minutes. The slides are also completely editable so you can change whatever you want. And if you're not sure how to create a video from a PowerPoint slide, don't worry. I have you covered. I've included a step-by-step video that walks you through EXACTLY how to do that.
  • Printable Client & Student Handouts (Value $999) - These handouts have the different coaching techniques and exercises that your life coaching students can use themselves and with their coaching clients
  • High-converting sales page sales copy (Value $2,999) - Just copy and paste it into your own sales page template and start enrolling students
  • Done-for-you email sequence (Value $499) - This 5-part sequence is designed to educate people about coaching, build trust and get students enrolled in the certification
  • Done-for-you lead magnet (Value $299) - Stunning, editable lead magnet that you can give away to build your email list
  • Done-for-you, high-converting opt-in page copy to give away your lead magnet (Value $199)
  • Editable product mockups (Value $99) - create your own unique, professional-looking product mockups with these easy-to-use templates
  • Done-for-you, editable social media posts (Value $99)
  • Editable certificate templates to give students who have completed the program (Value $199)
  • Proven, high-converting webinar to enroll students into the program (Value $2,999)

TOTAL VALUE: $35,390

A Sneak Peek Inside The Program

Here's a closer look at what's inside the program.

Money Making Ideas

Here are some of the ways you can make money with the PLR Content.

  • Sell it as a complete life coach training and certification curriculum
  • Sell it as a personal development program - Because the program has been designed in a way that coaches learn the techniques by using and mastering them for themselves, you can simply remove the business building modules and sell it as a personal development course
  • Pull out portions of the workshop to teach as individual workshops - You can create a Forgiveness Workshop, a Goal-Setting Workshop a Communication Workshops and so on from the different modules. You can teach these workshops to other coaches or to the general public.
  • Break the program up into mini-courses and sell them online instead of hosting live workshops. Again, you can create a mini-course on forgiveness, on Goal Setting, communication, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behavior etc.
  • You can sell the program 100% online and automate everything and run ads to it. That's how I did it.
  • You can teach the certification as an in-person training over the course of 5 days. If you held one workshop a month, that would mean you could work for 5 days of the month and then have the rest of the month off. Or you could do a training only once every quarter and take in a larger number of students at a time. It's all up to you.
  • You can translate the program into another language and create your own program in a fraction of the time it took me.
  • You can combine it with your own material and create something unique.
  • You can choose to focus on a particular niche, such as focusing on the Christian market

What's Your Investment?

Considering just how much value you get, I could easily sell this for $5,000 or more. But for a limited time only, I've decided to price it at just $1,997.

And I've included 2 two easy payment options to make it even more affordable.


$ 699


  • 20 Module Life Coach Training & Certification Program - (PPT Slides, Text versions of the lessons and handouts)
  • Done-for-you marketing materials - salesletter, free eBook, webinar, social media posts, email sequence and more
  • Editable course completion certificate templates
  • BONUS: Launch Your Academy in a Weekend
  • BONUS: 10 Students in 30 Days Blueprint



$ 1,997


  • 20 Module Life Coach Training & Certification Program - (PPT Slides, Text versions of the lessons and handouts)
  • Done-for-you marketing materials - salesletter, free eBook, webinar, social media posts, email sequence and more
  • Editable course completion certificate templates
  • BONUS: Launch Your Academy in a Weekend
  • BONUS: 10 Students in 30 Days Blueprint
  • PLUS: EFT Tapping for Coaches PLR
  • PLUS: Heart-Centered Client Enrollment System PLR
  • PLUS: Client Quick-Start System PLR
  • PLUS: Coaching Business Blueprint PLR


$ 397


  • 20 Module Life Coach Training & Certification Program - (PPT Slides, Text versions of the lessons and handouts)
  • Done-for-you marketing materials - salesletter, free eBook, webinar, social media posts, email sequence and more
  • Editable course completion certificate templates
  • BONUS: Launch Your Academy in a Weekend
  • BONUS: 10 Students in 30 Days Blueprint

What's Covered In the Curriculum

So you're probably wondering what topics are covered in the comprehensive

20-module curriculum. Here's what we cover, module by module.

It would take you several months of full-time work to be able to create

something this comprehensive, but you can purchase the private label rights

and start selling it as your own today!

Module One: Coaching Fundamentals

This module lays down the fundamentals of coaching. By the time students complete this module,

they will have a solid understanding of exactly what is required of them as a coach.

  • What coaching is and isn't, including the difference between therapy and coaching
  • The qualities of a great coach and how to start developing them in yourself
  • How to become a client magnet so that clients come to you rather than you having to chase after them
  • 7 Attitudes & Beliefs to avoid if you want to be a great coach
  • How you & your client can get the most out of the coaching relationship

Module Two: Cornerstone of Lasting Change

In this module you'll teach coaches how to help their clients step into their

own power and start taking responsibility for their lives.

Without this essential element, no amount of coaching will do any good.

  • Understand where the true power of change lies
  • Uncover the key to overcoming victim mentality and stepping into their personal power
  • Start harnessing that inner power for massive change and transformation in all areas of their lives

Module Three: Human Behaviour

In this module, coaches learn about the twin forces of pain and pleasure and how to help

clients to harness them to produce dramatic and lasting changes in behavior.

  • How to harness the twin forces that drive all human behaviour to consciously shape your client's behaviour
  • Use this powerful technique to stop bad behaviours (like overeating, smoking etc.) or start good ones (like exercising, eating healthier, taking action toward your goals and so on)
  • Overcome procrastination and create an inbuilt sense of urgency for clients to start working on their goals and dreams today

Module Four: Six Human Needs

In this module coaches will gain a deeper understanding into what motivates people

to behave the way they do.

  • The six fundamental human needs and the behaviours people engage in to get those needs met. This will help you to make sense of previously inexplicable behaviour
  • How to help your client to find ways to meet these fundamental needs in healthier, more constructive ways
  • Become a wiser and more perceptive coach
  • Improve their own personal relationships by understanding the people around them on a deeper level

Module Five: Subconscious Mind

In this module, coaches learn about the importance of aligning the conscious and

subconscious minds in order to help their clients achieve their goals.

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the human mind and how it works
  • Understand why the secret to real and lasting change lies in reprogramming the subconscious mind
  • Two easy, but incredibly powerful techniques coaches can use to reprogram their clients subconscious so that success becomes effortless and automatic. Their clients will feel unstoppable after this!!
  • Understand how to align their client's conscious desires with their subconscious desires so that they can achieve their goals with less effort.

Module Six: Core Values

In this module coaches will learn how to help clients live in alignment with their core values.

Living out of alignment with one's core values results in people feeling unhappy and

dissatisfied even though they may look successful on the outside.

  • Coaches will learn how to identify their client's core values and how to help them live their lives in alignment with those deeply cherished values.
  • Realign their core values in order to achieve their most cherished goals & dreams
  • How to restructure a client's core values in order to help them get the most out of every stage of their lives

Module Seven: Meaningful Communication

In this module, coaches will help clients to learn the art of communication so that they can

experience deeper and more meaningful relationships

  • A simple test to uncover someone's communication style
  • Easy-to-use communication strategies for each communication style so that you can finally feel as if you're on the same page and speaking the same language
  • How to develop instant rapport with clients with both verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  • Coaches can use these skills themselves and teach them to their clients

Module Eight: Forgiveness

In this module, coaches will learn and master six powerful forgiveness techniques that will

help their clients heal from painful past events.

  • A common mistake that stops people from forgiving
  • The incredible benefits that come from forgiving and letting go of old baggage of the past
  • My proprietary 10-step heal and release process that will allow you not only to forgive, but how to find the lesson and the gift from the pain
  • Six powerful forgiveness techniques to choose from so you're never left wondering how to actually forgive and let go of the past

Module Nine: Dream Life Workshop

Why bother with setting boring and ineffective goals when you can help your clients build their dream life instead?

  • My proprietary "Vision into Reality" formula for turning a client's most cherished goals and dreams into their everyday reality.
  • Help clients to set goals in all the key areas of their lives - spirituality, health, work, relationships and lifestyle
  • A powerful goal reprogramming technique that makes achieving their vision inevitable and automatic.
  • This module is a great stand-alone workshop that coaches can use to upsell people into their full coaching program

Module Ten: Goal-Setting Workshop

Helping your client set and achieve goals is an essential skill that every coach needs in their toolkit.

In this module, coaches will learn to:

  • A common mistake that stops people from forgiving
  • The incredible benefits that come from forgiving and letting go of old baggage of the past
  • My proprietary 10-step heal and release process that will allow you not only to forgive, but how to find the lesson and the gift from the pain
  • Six powerful forgiveness techniques to choose from so you're never left wondering how to actually forgive and let go of the past

Module Eleven: Instant Belief Change Technique

In this module, coaches will learn how to help their clients shift

negative disempowering beliefs that are keeping them stuck

into positive, empowering beliefs that can move them forward.

  • Learn & master my proprietary technique for shifting even the most entrenched limiting beliefs quickly and as little as one coaching session
  • Discover how to replace negative, limiting beliefs with positive, empowering ones in a matter of minutes
  • A simple, but super-effective way to uncover exactly what your limiting beliefs are and where they came from

Module Twelve: Negative Emotions

Helping your client set and achieve goals is an essential skill that every coach needs in their toolkit.

In this module, coaches will learn to:

  • How to help clients break even long-standing negative emotional patterns so that they can move forward with love, courage, optimism and hope.
  • A simple technique that shows you how to dissolve negative emotions in minutes
  • A powerful hack that will instantly calm a client who is becoming very emotional during a coaching session

Module Thirteen: Self-Sabotage

In this module, coaches will learn how to help their clients shift

negative disempowering beliefs that are keeping them stuck

into positive, empowering beliefs that can move them forward.

  • Learn & master my proprietary technique for shifting even the most entrenched limiting beliefs quickly and as little as one coaching session
  • Discover how to replace negative, limiting beliefs with positive, empowering ones in a matter of minutes
  • A simple, but super-effective way to uncover exactly what your limiting beliefs are and where they came from

Module Twelve: Negative Emotions

Helping your client set and achieve goals is an essential skill that every coach needs in their toolkit.

In this module, coaches will learn to:

  • Uncover the 10 most common limiting beliefs about money and then learn powerful paradigm shifts for transforming them.
  • Combine this with the Instant Belief Change technique and you'll be able to radically transform a client's financial outlook forever.
  • Identify your own limiting beliefs around money and work through them so that you don't hold yourself back from success

Module Fifteen: Transformational Thinking

In this module, coaches will learn how to help their clients change the way they think

and in so doing, feel happier and more in control in their day-to-day lives.

  • A quick and easy tool anyone can master to shift their thinking about any problem or circumstance so that they open their mind to new possibilities, feel more positive and optimistic and eliminate those day-to-day annoyances in minutes
  • 10 powerful questions that will have clients looking at their lives in a whole new light and will leave them feeling empowered, energized and ready for action

Module Sixteen: Using the Done-For-You Program

In this module, coaches will learn how to use the done-for-you coaching curriculum with their clients.

  • Step-by-step instructions for a complete twelve session (3-month) transformation coaching package.
  • Coaches’ manual with all 12 sessions laid out step-by-step. Coaches just open during their first coaching session and they're ready to coach

Modules Seventeen-Twenty:

Business Building Curriculum

In these last few modules, coaches will learn the business building aspects of a coaching business.

  • How to get their coaching business up and running
  • How to set clients up for success
  • Strategies for deal with challenging situations and clients
  • Offline and online marketing strategies
  • Running the back-end of your coaching business

What's Your Investment?


$ 699


  • 20 Module Life Coach Training & Certification Program - (PPT Slides, Text versions of the lessons and handouts)
  • Done-for-you marketing materials - salesletter, free eBook, webinar, social media posts, email sequence and more
  • Editable course completion certificate templates
  • BONUS: Launch Your Academy in a Weekend
  • BONUS: 10 Students in 30 Days Blueprint



$ 1,997


  • 20 Module Life Coach Training & Certification Program - (PPT Slides, Text versions of the lessons and handouts)
  • Done-for-you marketing materials - salesletter, free eBook, webinar, social media posts, email sequence and more
  • Editable course completion certificate templates
  • BONUS: Launch Your Academy in a Weekend
  • BONUS: 10 Students in 30 Days Blueprint
  • PLUS: EFT Tapping for Coaches PLR
  • PLUS: Heart-Centered Client Enrollment System PLR
  • PLUS: Client Quick-Start System PLR
  • PLUS: Coaching Business Blueprint PLR


$ 397


  • 20 Module Life Coach Training & Certification Program - (PPT Slides, Text versions of the lessons and handouts)
  • Done-for-you marketing materials - salesletter, free eBook, webinar, social media posts, email sequence and more
  • Editable course completion certificate templates
  • BONUS: Launch Your Academy in a Weekend
  • BONUS: 10 Students in 30 Days Blueprint

Buy now & get these awesome bonuses

Bonus # 1: Launch Your Academy in a Weekend Training

(Value $199)

This comprehensive, step-by-step training will show you how to get your coaching school up and running in less than a weekend.

Bonus # 2: 10 Students in 30 Days

(Value $199)

This training will show you how to get your first 10 students enrolled into your certification program. Rinse and repeat the same process as often as you like to get as many students as you want.

Pay-In-Full Bonuses

For those who pay in full, I have included the private label rights to four additional products.

Pay-in-Full Bonus # 1:

Coaches Toolkit PLR

Value $799

You get the Private Label Rights to my best selling product, The Coaches Toolkit. Yep, that's the same product that made me over $100K and counting.

Plus I'm giving you my proven sales copy and ad copy as well.

Pay-in-Full Bonus # 2:

EFT Tapping For Coaches PLR

Value $399

You get the Private Label Rights to my EFT Tapping for Coaches Program. This is comprehensive program that teaches coaches how to use EFT with their clients. You can easily turn this into a mini-certification.

Pay-in-Full Bonus # 3:

Heart Centered Client

Enrollment System PLR

Value $599

You get the Private Label Rights to my Coaching Business Blueprint which is my 8-week program to help coaches to launch their coaching business online and start getting clients.

You can sell this program for anywhere from $199 to $1,999 depending on your market, whether you add group coaching calls etc.

Pay-in-Full Bonus # 4:

Heart Centered Client

Enrollment System PLR

Value $399

You get the Private Label Rights to this program which teaches coaches how to book clients using strategy sessions, also known as discovery calls. You get private label rights to the entire course to sell as your own.

Pay-in-Full Bonus # 5:

Heart Centered Client

Enrollment System PLR

Value $399

You get the Private Label Rights to this program which teaches coaches how to book clients using strategy sessions, also known as discovery calls. You get private label rights to the entire course to sell as your own.

Feedback For the Program

Two years back I took a small portion of the Life Coach Training & Certification curriculum and created a free challenge. Here is some of the feedback we received from people who joined.

Just imagine receiving rave reviews and unsolicited testimonials and feedback from your students when you share this program with them.

The Woman Behind The Program

Hi, I'm Sa'Diyya

I'm a certified Transformational Coach and Coach Trainer, Digital Marketing Strategist and expert.

I also founded South Africa's FIRST 100% online Life Coach Training & Certification Program.

Since then, I have shifted my attention from certifying coaches to helping coaches from all around the world to start and build thriving online businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you selling something that took you so long to create?

So you're probably wondering why I'm doing this, right? Why on earth would I sell the resale rights to a program that took me years of blood, sweat and tears to create?

The reason I'm doing this is that I'm making the transition away from teaching coaching to launching an agency that provides done-for-you services for coaches and course creators. My passion is and always was, marketing, and so I decided to close down everything else and focus single-mindedly on building this business.

But I didn't want all the amazing content that I spent years and thousands of dollars creating to just waste away on my hard drive. I still wanted it to reach and impact people, even if I wasn't the one doing it.

Which is great news for you! Because it means that you can now take the materials that I created and fast-track your way to your very own coaching certification program....without any of the hard work it would normally take.

Do you have a money-back guarantee?

Due to the nature of the product, I do not offer a guarantee. It's too easy for someone to purchase the program, download everything and ask for their money back and then turn around and resell it as their own. This would be unfair to me and to all the people who paid for the material as well.

All sales are final.

I have done my best to describe the program accurately, with aan in-depth video showing you what you get and even providing a free sample lesson so that you can accurately judge the quality of the content.

What can you do with the PLR Rights?

Your PLR License allows you to:

1. Rename the program. This simple step will already make your program look unique and different.

2. Claim authorship of the content...without having to spend months to create it all.

3. Add to it or modify it as you see fit. Add your expertise to the mix and create something truly unique and different.

4. Translate it into another language. Dominate a foreign language market. Most non-English speaking markets have very little competition and people would love to learn in their own native language, given the opportunity.

5. Use it to train and certify other people as life coaches.

What are you not allowed to do with your PLR Rights?

You cannot:

1. Give the program itself away for free

2. Resell the PLR license. (In other words, this doesn't include a Master PLR License)

What tools do I need to launch my coaching academy and start enrolling students?

You need either Microsoft Office PPT, Mac's Keynote or Canva to edit, record and export the slides as videos.

Other tools you need include landing page software (to create your sales pages), a webinar hosting platform to host your automated webinar, a course hosting platform to host your course content, quiz software to allow you to do automated assessments, a shopping cart platform to process payments, and an email autoresponder to send out follow-up emails.

Instead of having 6 different tools, I use one tool to do it all. It's called

It allows me to:

Create sales pages to sell my courses

Takes payments and enrolls students into the right course automatically

Hosts my course content, including my course videos

Collects emails and allows me to send automated follow-up emails

Run automated webinars (on their webinar plan)

Create self-grading assessments (perfect for a certification program)

and even create a blog.

You can check out here and sign up for their free plan (which is often more than enough to get you started).